Tribal Historic Preservation Office

Mission Statement
To protect and preserve the Tamaya peoples’ past for the future.
- Insure adherence to and compliance with all tribal, state and federal laws and regulations pertaining to prehistoric and historic cultural resources on Tamaya lands.
- Work with federal and state agencies, as well as private land owners to identify, protect and preserve ancestral/sacred sites regardless of land status.
- Inform and educate the public about archaeology and historic preservation.
- The Pueblo of Santa Ana is located in Sandoval County, New Mexico, approximately 20 miles north of Albuquerque in the Upper Middle Rio Grande Valley. The Pueblo’s lands encompass over 79,000 contiguous acres of trust and reservation land, much of which is undeveloped.
- Tribal Government created the Santa Ana Historic Preservation Office in 2011 to preserve and protect the cultural and historic resources on Pueblo lands in accordance with Section 101(d)(2) of the National Historic Preservation Act. The program is administered by the Pueblo’s Tribal Historic Preservation Officer (THPO).
- The Historic Preservation Officer is informed and guided by an Advisory Review Board composed of traditional cultural authorities and leaders. In addition, the THPO’s office employs traditional tribal members who assists the THPO in evaluating properties that may be considered traditional cultural properties or sacred to the Tamayame.
What We Do
- Provide information and advice to Tribal Leadership on issues of cultural heritage and threats to those historic places and things that are important to the community.
- Review proposed actions or undertakings on Tamaya lands and federal or state lands that may have an effect on places that played or play a significant role to the Tamaya people.
- Consult with other tribes and governments on the appropriate treatment of human remains and associated funeral objects recovered from archaeological contexts.
- Review and comment on National Register of Historic Places nominations.
- Establish agreements with private and public entities to protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources significant to the Tamayame.
- Participate in historic preservation activities, public education and community outreach.
Significant Preservation Activities
- Placed the Old Pueblo of Santa Ana (known as Tamaya) on the National Register of Historic Properties.
- Restored the historic church at Tamaya with Pueblo funds – received awards from the New Mexico Cultural Properties Review Committee for this traditional restoration.
- Formally established a Tribal Historic Preservation Office.
- Active participants in the establishment of the Galisteo Basin sites protection act.
- Actively protecting and preserving traditional properties regardless of location.
- Insured preservation of important tribal historical documents by placing them in the New Mexico State Record Center and Archives.
Monica L. Murrell
Tribal Historic Preservation Officer & Director
Jarrett Lujan
Cultural Resources Coordinator
Thomas N. Armijo
Cultural Resources Technician