Santa Ana Agriculture Enterprises
Since 1980

Mission Statement

The purpose of the Santa Ana Agricultural Enterprises (SAAE) is to provide a network for Santa Ana Pueblo (Tamaya) to create economic opportunities for the Tamaya Indian Reservation and to build a foundation of promise, pride, and perseverance to their Pueblo.


About SAAE

Tribal Government created the Santa Ana Agricultural Enterprises (SAAE) in 1986 to develop and implement a revenue source for the Tribal Businesses that sustain, enhance, and profit through agricultural platforms. In the years that followed, the Pueblo expanded SAAE and developed four major enterprises: Farm Production, Santa Ana Grain Mill, Plant Nursery, and Vineyard Production. These enterprises’ primary objectives are to provide shared profits to the Pueblo’s farming support with information and options for sustainable agricultural practices.


Grain Mill

Agricultural Director

Ryan Garcia – 505-771-6741